Jun, 30. 2014
JROTC Cadets Attend Leadership Camp
Category: Miscellaneous
Written by AOD Staff
Hits: 2786

AOD helpedĀ five Aberdeen High School (Aberdeen, Mississippi) cadets in the Air Force Junior ROTC unit attend a Leadership FTX (Field Training Exercise) camp at Lavinia National Guard Training Center in Lavinia, Tennessee June 23-27, 2014. The five cadets (Cameron Cockerham, Shamyia Fair, Jose Gonzalez, Malaysia King, and Santianna Rogers-McMillian) competitively selected by their instructors for this camp and AOD paid their registration deposits ($100 each).

The camp objective for its students is: "We want to send you back to your unit with a fire in your eyes like never before. Not to simply to manage your peers, but to lead and inspire them. Leave here ready to tackle the problems in your unit and be responsible for the change that is going to take it to the top!"

Read more about this camp at: http://www.competitive-outcomes.com/leadership-ftx-tn.html