Thank You Toyota for Your Continued Support!

Written by AOD Staff
Category: Grants Received
on 31 March 2014
Hits: 2626

AOD is grateful to Toyota Motor Manufacturing Alabama (TMMAL) in Huntsville for its continued support of the Learn and Earn scholarship program.  TMMAL recently provided AOD a grant of $5,000 in March 2014 which will be used to award scholarships for the Fall 2014 semester at J.F. Drake State Community and Technical College.  This is Toyota's fourth grant to AOD.  Thank you Toyota!

Previous grants supported scholarship recipients Anita Williams (drafting), Mona Cato (Licensed Practical Nursing), and Craig Matthews (Computer Information Systems).  Anita graduated in August 2013 and now works full-time with Yulista Avaiation as a Technical Illustrator.  Mona and Craig are continuing their programs at Drake State. 

AOD scholarships are most helpful for a student when the Pell Grant runs out.  Pell Grants are designed to last a student for two semesters per year.  Most colleges have three semesters per year.  A scholarship can help a student stay enrolled when Pell Grant funds are not there and not have to sit out a semester and delay their educational goals (which also delays their entry into the job market and a new well-paying career).